TAGG is the future of fundraising! Enable members an additional way to support you without costing them an extra dime! Join hundreds of places of worship who are experiencing TAGG as a growing line item in their budget.
TAGG is a WIN-WIN for places of worship and their members!
Allows members to supplement what they are already giving through offering.
Gain support from EVERYONE because it doesn’t cost an extra dime!
How it works
Discover over 350+ participating businesses who give back on TAGG every day!
Visit TAGG.today to upload your receipt and choose your place of worship.
The business will donate a percentage of your total to the place of worship, at no extra cost to you!
Customizable for YOU!
Optionally add multiple ministries to the app under your place of worship’s name, for supporters to designate their TAGG donations to. This allows people to raise money for mission or youth group trips, and TAGG donations can even be tracked at an individual level.
Places of Worship AND Supporters love TAGG!
I have raised over $2,000 for local nonprofits and churches simply by taking pics of my receipts. It feels great!
It has been tremendous being part of TAGG and seeing our user base and funds grow each year! Thank you, TAGG, for creating such a win-win for local causes and businesses.
How do we track progress and receive payouts?
Each month, the place of worship will receive a monthly recap via email sharing how much was raised along with your current balance and the option to request a payout. Therefore, we require at least one active email address to receive funds and remain on TAGG. See all payout info here.
Interested? We’re Here to Help!
Please email hello@togetheragreatergood.com with any questions.

TAGG Materials
Need some information to share before getting registered? View Video and download Business List.
Ready to get started? Register your nonprofit here.