TAGG at Hy-Vee
You can TAGG at all 4 locations in Siouxland.
Whether you’re shopping in-store, at the pump or online, have a paper or email receipt – upload your Hy-Vee Grocery, Gas + C-Store receipts for a TAGG donation!
Participating Hy-Vee locations will happily donate 1% of your purchases to the local school, nonprofit, place of worship, or sports team of your choice when you upload your receipts at TAGG.today!
Only a few exclusions include Pharmacy prescriptions, gift cards, postage or mailing services, Lottery/Lotto, prepaid debit cards, money orders, Western Union and money transfers.
As of March 1, 2024, Hy-Vee locations in the Omaha metro area will no longer be participating in the TAGG program. This includes locations in Omaha, Council Bluffs, Papillion, Plattsmouth, Fremont, and Gretna.
Siouxland Area Locations
Hy-Vee Grocery, Gas + C-Store (28th & Hamilton)
Hy-Vee Grocery, Gas + C-Store (Gordon Plaza)
Hy-Vee Grocery, Gas + C-Store (South Sioux City)
Hy-Vee Grocery, Gas + C-Store (Southern Hills Mall)
Hy-Vee has some rules we must follow in order to approve your receipt. Please see below and let us know if we didn’t address your issue/question.
How to submit a long or emailed receipt:
Whether you have a long paper receipt, or emailed receipt that’s hard to capture on one screen, you can take a photo or screen shot of the top and bottom, or top, middle and bottom of the receipt, and submit all images together. The new TAGG.today (not app) allows up to 3 images to be uploaded for each receipt.

Which Hy-Vee Locations Participate?
Hy-Vee Grocery, Gas + C-Store (28th & Hamilton)
Hy-Vee Grocery, Gas + C-Store (Gordon Plaza)
Hy-Vee Grocery, Gas + C-Store (South Sioux City)
Hy-Vee Grocery, Gas + C-Store (Southern Hills Mall)
Why was my receipt denied?
To See Why Your Receipt Was Denied:
Go to the ‘My TAGG’ page on the app or website, click on the “denied” reason, and the reason should pop up. If you have an Android device, you must hold down “denied” until the reason shows. Please understand that on older devices this feature may not work if using the app vs. going to TAGG.today.
Most Common Denied Receipt Reasons:
1) Photo must include the ENTIRE receipt (not simply through the total)
We need you to submit a picture of the ENTIRE receipt (from top to bottom). The entire receipt is necessary to ensure we are not approving any excluded items and also provides the information found at the very bottom (transaction number, date, store) shown in the image below, circled in red. If this happens you can re-submit with the entire receipt showing!
If are you using the app: We understand that long receipts can be difficult. We recommend you either cut the receipt in half or thirds or place next to each other for the image OR lay it flat on the floor, focus and take and overhead shot. Although the receipt image is small, we are able to zoom in to retrieve the information needed to approve the TAGG.
If you are going to TAGG.today: You can submit up to 3 images for each receipt. Please be sure the entire receipt is shown between those 3 images.
For e-receipts: An exception to this rule is for e-receipts. Because it’s challenging to capture a full long receipt on a computer screen, we are asking for, at minimum, the transaction total through the very bottom (transaction number, date, store) which is the same information circled in the physical receipt image below. Below is a great image showing what we need for e-receipts.
If your receipt(s) were denied for this reason and you still have them, we encourage you to resubmit them for approval. While our normal rule is to TAGG a receipt within 30 days, we are temporarily making an exception for Hy-Vee receipts due to this is the reason the majority of TAGGs are being denied.
2) See Business Exclusions
If your app or the website (TAGG.today) shows this denied reason, it is because your receipt is for excluded items which are not eligible for Hy-Vee donations through TAGG: Pharmacy prescriptions, gift cards, postage or mailing services, Lottery/Lotto, prepaid debit cards, money orders, Western Union and money transfers.
3) Location’s Monthly Budget Met
If your app or the website (TAGG.today) shows this denied reason, it means that the Hy-Vee location on your receipt had already reached their TAGG donation budget for the month of your receipt date. Each Hy-Vee location has a monthly donation budget in place for TAGG (currently $1,000 per month, per location) to allow them to generously take part in the program all year long.
4) Business Location Wasn’t Live Yet
If your app or the website (TAGG.today) shows this denied reason, it means that your receipt is dated prior to the day Hy-Vee joined TAGG (October 21, 2019).
5) Receipt too old (or Receipt past 30 days)
If your app or the website (TAGG.today) shows this denied reason, it means that the TAGG was submitted too long after the receipt date. While our normal rule is to submit it within 30 days, we are currently being more lenient on Hy-Vee receipts to give people time to get acclimated to the Hy-Vee rules.
6) Receipt location not on TAGG
If your app or the website (TAGG.today) shows this denied reason, it means that the Hy-Vee location on the receipt is not yet participating in TAGG. Participating locations at this time are all of Omaha, Council Bluffs, Papillion, Fremont and Plattsmouth.
7) You reached daily location limit
If your app or the website (TAGG.today) shows this denied reason, it means that you already have 3 receipts approved for that location on that receipt date. TAGG users have been allowed to TAGG up to receipts per business location per receipt date. While we understand the objective to increase donations, the intent is to encourage everyone to TAGG their own receipts for your organization, and to become regular TAGG users (at other businesses too). This will then increase the financial impact of all benefiting organizations!
8) Receipt already TAGGed
If your app or the website (TAGG.today) shows this denied reason, it means that the receipt appears to have already been submitted and approved by you or another user.
If you have any questions or concerns please let us know.
Questions? See FAQ’s or let us know here!
Have receipts you forgot to TAGG? Don’t worry, you have 30 days to upload them at TAGG.today
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