Please use these helpful tools to make asking school families, plus your own friends and family to start TAGGing!  

For CoordinatorsFor Teachers

Choose a TAGG Rep

Having someone lead your TAGG efforts is crucial for success, but don’t worry! We’ve made it so easy, your TAGG rep(s) will look like a pro. This could be school staff members, PTO/PTA members, or ideally, a combination of both! The primary objective of a TAGG rep is to follow the implementation of this guide to ensure your success.

A good TAGG rep is someone who:

  • Is a TAGGer themself!
  • Understands how TAGG works and can explain it to others.
  • Would be willing to speak about TAGG or answer questions at parent attended events.
  • Believes in the potential of TAGG and is motivated to help the school reach its TAGG goals.
  • Someone who has access to the school newsletters & social media, or an open line of communication with the person who does.
  • Someone comfortable with using a computer.

The TAGG Rep(s) receive monthly email recaps sharing funds raised, current balance the option to request a payout. It is important to inform TAGG if your TAGG rep(s) change, because TAGG requires a valid email to be on file to remain active.

See full payout details.

First PTA/PTO Meeting (Build Your Base)

The individuals attending these meetings represent the most likely people to become TAGGers for your school. Typically, the first parent-teacher meeting of the year draws the highest attendance, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to encourage them to become your base of TAGGers. It only takes a handful to get the ball rolling, to create some momentum to share and build from!

Meeting Talking Points & Handouts
  • Introduction to TAGG: I would like to share with you a free and easy way you can start supporting the school year-round, called TAGG. If you're not familiar with it, TAGG is a local platform that turns your receipts from many local participating businesses into donations for our school. I would love this group’s support in building our base of TAGGers. If just 10 of us were to raise the average of $6 per month; that would amount to over $700 for our school in a year!
  • How it works: How it works is simple! You visit any of the participating businesses. After your purchase, all you have to do is log into your free TAGG account and add a photo of your paper or digital receipt within 30 days, and choose our school. Then, that business will make a donation back to the school on your behalf! It's that easy!
  • Create Accounts: Pass out a list of participating businesses, plus a handout with simple steps for creating your FREE TAGG.today account. (Walk through the steps of creating accounts together.)Here’s a flyer which shows how easy it is to create your free TAGG account and view the entire participating business list.
  • Set a Goal and Determine Use of Funds: Having a school year funds raised goal enables supporters to see their contribution as you showcase progress in promotional posts throughout the school year. This helps keeps momentum going and prompts a sense of urgency if falling behind.

    Sharing potential uses for TAGG funds provides added incentive for parents and staff to contribute when items are tangible and meaningful, for example picnic tables, gym equipment, or teacher appreciation lunches.

  • Set Dates for Launch Campaign: See "Launch" section for launch campaign details.

Launch Campaign

The primary goal of the TAGG Launch is to prompt people to create their free TAGG.today account. Instead of setting a fundraising target, the objective is to keep it extremely simple so more individuals are willing to take that essential first step toward becoming a “TAGGer.” The school will choose an incentive for getting a target number of people to create a free TAGG.today account (or access their existing one) to upload a TAGG launch (practice) receipt.

Launch Preparation Steps
  • Set dates for your launch (3-4 weeks long) - We recommend 3-4 weeks after the school year begins so it doesn’t get lost in the chaos of back to school. You might want the first day to be a day when flyers go home with students

  • Determine a goal of # of people submitting the practice receipt (recommend 100) and school-wide incentive for reaching it. Make it as BIG as possible to get students excited.

  • Determine an incentive for the classroom with the best participation.

  • We encourage you to complete TAGG’s School Campaign Form to receive updates and additional support before, during and after your campaign.

    School-wide incentive ideas: Pajama and movei day, extra recess, speical treat, fun spirit week.

Launch Promotion
  • Send printed flyer home with students.
  • Send email to all staff and families.
  • Ask teachers to include the email in parent communication as well.
  • Post on social media page(s) and in newsletter.
  • Share an announcement on the speaker.
  • Continue to communicate progress throughout the campaign!

    Launch Promotion:

    • Send printed flyer home (left) with students. Click here to access and customize your flyer.
    • Send email to all staff and families. Click here for sample email content.
    • Ask teachers to include the email in parent communication as well. 
    • Post on social media page(s) and in newsletter. Click here to access and customize your promotional image, and sample content to go with it.
    • Share an announcement on the speaker. Click here for a sample script.
    • Continue to communicate progress throughout the campaign!

    Newsletter Communication

    Talk to the person who is in charge of your school’s newsletters to families and ask for a space dedicated for a TAGG communication. Newsletter communication alone may not be effective in gaining new TAGG supporters, however if done alongside a successful launch, campaigns, and social media, it serves as a great reminder.

      Types of Communication: 

      • General reminders
      • Progress towards annual school goal
      • Acknowledge your TAGG supporters
      • Provide campaign updates

      Images and Copy & Paste Content

      Click here to access the library of images & content

      Social Media Communication

      If your school and/or PTO/PTA have social media pages, this is a great opportunity to keep TAGG top of mind all year. A good rule of thumb is to post minimum monthly, and if possible 2-3 times per month.

        Types of social media posts

        • General reminders
        • Progress towards annual school goal
        • Acknowledge your TAGG supporters
        • Provide campaign updates - Provide an incentive for signing up or showing your current TAGG account

        Images and Copy & Paste Content

        Click here to access the library of images & content

        Event Communication

        School events in which parents/guardians attend are a wonderful opportunity to continuously introduce or remind people about TAGGing for your school. Choose your most well-attended events which could include:

        • Back to school / Meet your teachers events
        • Music programs
        • Teachers conferences
        • Curriculum / STEM nights
        • Book fairs
        • Carnivals or other seasonal events
        • Fun runs
        • Field days

        Actions you can take:

        • Good - Have handouts for all attendees
        • Better - Have a representative providing handouts face-to-face
        • Best - On top of handing out flyers, make announcements!
        • Above & Beyond - Provide an incentive for signing up (creating a new TAGG.today account) or showing your current TAGG.today account

        We've included talking points for making an announcement at events, as well as a variety of printable handouts to be used at all of your events.

        • We'd like to remind everyone about a free and easy way you can be supporting our school year-round through TAGG. If you're not familiar with it, TAGG is a local platform that turns your receipts into donations for our school.
        • How it works is simple! You visit any of TAGG's hundreds of participating businesses. A few around us that you probably already visit are, <Insert some TAGG Businesses near you>. After your purchase, all you have to do is log into your free TAGG account and add a photo of your receipt and choose our school. Then, that business will make a donation back to the school on your behalf! It's that easy!
        • Here’s a flyer which shows how easy it is to create your free TAGG account and view the entire participating business list.
        • You will be seeing reminders throughout the school year, and we would REALLY appreciate your support! It really can add up fast. The average raised per person is $6 per month, so if even 20 of you were to start, that could be $5,760 raised in one year!

        Parents Be on Best Behavior (Parent Teacher Conferences)

        Music to our Ears (Music Program)

        Parents Get in on the Action (Field Day or Fun Run)

        Not TAGGing yet? BRUH (Generic)

        TAGGing for our School is BUSSIN' (Generic)

        While You're On Your Phone (Generic)


        Seasonal Campaigns

        Campaigns present a fantastic opportunity to gain fresh TAGG supporters and elevate your TAGG success in a brief timeframe. Setting a school-wide objective and involving students in a classroom challenge transforms TAGG into an enjoyable initiative worthy of celebration!

        We recommend 2-3 seasonal TAGG campaigns during a school-year in addition to your launch campaign (where the goal is only to get TAGG.today accounts created).

        Seasonal Campaigns
        TAGG offers 7 seasonal campaigns plus, so we always have one ready when you need it. For each campaign, you determine a school wide $ raised goal and incentive for reaching it, along with a classroom incentive for turning in the most TAGGs.

        Campaign Flyers (click to customize/download)
        Campaign Images (click to customize/download)

        TAGG for Teachers

        TAGG for Teachers is a separate program created to help teachers offset their out-of-pocket expenses for their classrooms. All teachers have the option to get registered for free, and these TAGG donations are split between the teacher and their school (80% to the teacher, 20% to their school).

        TAGG for Teachers has the potential to raise funds for the school from TAGGers who may not be TAGGing directly for the school, including teachers and their friends and family. Furthermore, school families may be more motivated to use TAGG when they know the funds are directly benefiting their children’s teacher/classroom. Despite the school receiving only 20%, if these contributions come from new supporters, its a win-win for the teacher and the school.

        All you have to do is inform the teachers about the option to get registered.
        Once they register, they will receive their own communication tools to get people TAGGing for them. We’ve provided both email content as well as a printable handout for teachers.

        Incoming Kindergarten Parent Meeting

        The ideal time to introduce incoming families to TAGG is during the parent meeting for incoming kindergarteners! Kindergarten parents are highly motivated to get involved with the school, making them the most likely to actively participate. If you could get even 20 families TAGGing for your school, that could mean an extra $1,920 raised per year! We strongly recommend you or a representative from the staff take a few moments during the meeting to introduce TAGG. We’ve included suggested talking points as well as a printable handout to help get these parents TAGGing for your school.

        Talking Points
        • We'd like to take a few minutes to share with you a free and easy way you can start supporting the school called TAGG. If you're not familiar with it, TAGG is a local platform that turns your receipts into donations for our school.
        • How it works is simple! You visit any of TAGG's hundreds of participating businesses. A few around us that you probably already visit are, <Insert some TAGG Businesses near you>. After your purchase, all you have to do is log into your free TAGG account and add a photo of your receipt and choose our school. Then, that business will make a donation back to the school on your behalf! It's that easy!
        • Here’s a flyer which shows how easy it is to create your free TAGG account and view the entire participating business list.
        • You will be seeing reminders throughout the school year, and we would REALLY appreciate your support! It really can add up fast. If just 20 of you were to raise the average $8 per month, that would mean $1,920 to our school in a year!

        Thank your TAGGGers!

        It is very important to thank and acknowledge your TAGGers, which will make them want to keep TAGGing for you!

        • Social media - You could thank your TAGGers generically, or consider including their names on your post to encourage others to follow their lead! By showing how even a small group of people can make an impact, you can demonstrate how if more poeple got involved, how quickly the impact could grow.
        • Emails - When you request a TAGG payout, you will receive a report of all of the people to TAGGed for your school, including their emails. You can also request this list of people by emailing hello@togetheragreatergood.com.
        • Hand written cards - You may even want to consider annually mailing your TAGGers a thank you note if you’re able to identify who their students are and send the cards home with them.

        Image & Content Library

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        Start with these simple steps.

        Introduce to staff

        • Present info at a staff meeting using the presentation or flyer provided.
        • If unable to present at a staff meeting, send an email using the content provided.

        Schedule Kick Off Campaign

        We reccomend starting with the One-TAGG Challenge campaign, then plan out one or two more to keep the momentum strong. 


        The most important thing you can do to keep the momentum is to recognize your TAGG supporters. This will not only keep them TAGGing for the school, but encourage others to do the same! 

        • Newsletters
        • Social Media
        • Parent Teacher Conferences
        • School Events 


        Share on social media, email, bulltins, and more! 

        Business Lists

        TAGG for Teachers Flyer

        TAGG for Teachers Video

        Teacher Tools


        Copy and paste the content below to spread the word to friends and family

        Will you TAGG for me?


        Hey friends and family – will you please “TAGG” for me?!😊

        It’s no secret that teachers pay a lot out of pocket for our classrooms and TAGG is an easy way you can help us raise funds!

        Everyday, over 400+ businesses like Hy-Vee, Addy’s, Omaha Car Care, Blue Sushi, & Jimmy John’s will donate usually 5% back! Funds raised will be split between the school & my classroom. 

        1)  Upload your paper or digital receipts at TAGG.today

        2)  Choose <School Name >, TAGG for Teachers , then Me!

        A list of participating locations can be found at https://www.togetheragreatergood.com/businesslist

        Share a Business List! 


        What businesses on this list do you go to?

        Did you know they will donate back to my classroom & school?! It’s free for you to use PLUS you can earn points to redeem for business gift cards!🤩

        1) Upload your paper or digital receipts at TAGG.today

        2) Choose <School Name > TAGG for Tuition > Me!

        Show How to TAGG Video


        A lot of you ask for ways you can help me with my out of pocket teaching supplies (aka amazon wish lists) and I am so thankful. 

        I am excited to share that our school allows us to utilize TAGG for Teachers so now when you are grocery shopping and get gas at Hy-Vee,, dinner at Blue Sushi or Jimmy John’s – you can help me raise funds for my classroom at the same time!

        1) Upload your paper or digital receipts at TAGG.today

        2) Choose <School Name > TAGG for Teachers > Me!

        Watch how easy it is!  

        Content for weekly emails

        Use these blurbs to remind families to use TAGG and to thank them!

        I am excited to share that our school participates in TAGG for Teachers, which gives you an easy way to support our school AND classroom year-round, without spending an extra dime! 

        • TAGG has hundreds of local buisnesse who have agreed to donate a % of your receipt to your school, nonprofit or sports team of choice – every day.
        • When you upload a pic of your receipt to TAGG.today and choose our school, you can also designate a classroom for half of TAGG donation to go to! 
        • How to TAGG Video 
        • Full business list 

        Thank you for your support! 

        Please consider “TAGGing” for the school and our classroom! Even Hy-Vee alone can really add up! The average Hy-Vee TAGG donation is $0.75! Hy-Vee donates 1% back everyday on all paper + digital receipts including: groceries, catering, floral, Starbucks, gas, alcohol and convenience store purchases!

        All you have to do is upload a photo/screenshot of your receipt at TAGG.today – and choose our school, then our classroom to receive half of the donation. Thank you! 

        Download Business List | TAGG.today

        Did you know there are over 400 local businesses who donate to our school (and classroom) EVERYDAY? Check out the complete list & simply upload your receipts at TAGG.today! When you choose our school, then classroom, we receive half of the TAGG donation. Thank you!

        Download Business List | TAGG.today


        Have you created your TAGG.today account yet?

        TAGG allows you to help our school and my classroom, simply by upload receipts from participating TAGG businesses! Click the image to see how it works!

        Download Business List | TAGG.today